sir syed ahmed khan essay in urdu | سر سید احمد خان پر ایک مضمون

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-1898) was a Muslim intellectual and educationalist born in Delhi, India. He was an Islamic reformer and modernist of the Indian subcontinent who inspired the Aligarh movement and opposed the British rule of India. He was one of the founding fathers of the All India Muslim League, which led the campaign for the creation of a separate Muslim state in South Asia. Furthermore, he was also a pioneer in the promotion of secular education in British India, as well as Islamic modernism, and represented the intellectual elite of Muslims in British India.

Today we write sir syed ahmed khan essay in urdu pdf with headings

sir syed ahmed khan essay in urdu | سر سید احمد خان پر ایک مضمون

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Birth | پیدائش

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born in Delhi on October 17, 1817. He belonged to the family of Kashmiri immigrants from Kashmir who had settled in Delhi in the 16th century. His father was an official in the Mughal administration.

سر سید احمد خان 17 اکتوبر 1817 کو دہلی میں پیدا ہوئے۔ان کا تعلق کشمیر سے آنے والے کشمیری تارکین وطن کے خاندان سے تھا جو 16ویں صدی میں دہلی میں آباد ہوئے تھے۔ ان کے والد مغل انتظامیہ میں افسر تھے۔

Education | تعلیم

He studied at home and memorized the Quran and Persian before he was eight years old. After his father’s death, he attended a religious school run by a scholar, Maulavi Muhammad Hussain, who taught him Arabic and Persian. Because of his talent and dedication, he was appointed to teach at the same school at the age of eleven. He became an expert in Arabic and Persian literature but did not learn English or Sanskrit, which were considered essential for employment under the British government.

اس نے گھر پر تعلیم حاصل کی اور آٹھ سال کی عمر سے پہلے قرآن اور فارسی حفظ کر لی۔ اپنے والد کی وفات کے بعد، اس نے ایک عالم، مولوی محمد حسین کے زیر انتظام ایک مذہبی اسکول میں داخلہ لیا، جس نے انہیں عربی اور فارسی پڑھائی۔ ان کی قابلیت اور لگن کی وجہ سے، وہ گیارہ سال کی عمر میں اسی اسکول میں پڑھانے کے لیے مقرر ہوئے۔ وہ عربی اور فارسی ادب کے ماہر بن گئے لیکن انگریزی یا سنسکرت نہیں سیکھی جو برطانوی حکومت کے تحت ملازمت کے لیے ضروری سمجھی جاتی تھیں۔

Employment | روزگار

In 1832 he joined as translator in the office of Sir Thomas Roe, the British ambassador to the Mughal court. He met Thomas Babington, 1st Baron Macaulay and became interested in Western knowledge and philosophy.

1832 میں وہ مغل دربار میں برطانوی سفیر سر تھامس رو کے دفتر میں مترجم کے طور پر شامل ہوئے۔ وہ تھامس بیبنگٹن، پہلے بیرن میکالے سے ملا اور مغربی علم اور فلسفے میں دلچسپی لی۔

Father’s Death | باپ کی موت

He returned to Delhi after his father’s death and started a school for Muslim children, where he taught them English and science. He also organized debates between Christian missionaries and Muslim scholars and preached against idolatry and superstitions.

وہ اپنے والد کی وفات کے بعد دہلی واپس آئے اور مسلمان بچوں کے لیے ایک اسکول شروع کیا، جہاں انھوں نے انھیں انگریزی اور سائنس کی تعلیم دی۔ اس نے عیسائی مشنریوں اور مسلمان علماء کے درمیان مباحثے بھی منعقد کیے اور بت پرستی اور توہمات کے خلاف تبلیغ کی۔

Books | کتابیں

In 1839 he founded a journal ”Tahzib ul Akhlaq” (”Improvement of Ethics”) with his friend Syed Ameer Ali (1849-1928). The journal published articles on subjects including religion, philosophy, history and science. It also published poetry written by Khan himself as well as by other writers including Ghalib, Mirza Ghalib, Zauq and Azad.

1839 میں انہوں نے اپنے دوست سید امیر علی (1849-1928) کے ساتھ مل کر ایک جریدہ ”تہذیب الاخلاق“ (”اخلاق کی بہتری”) کی بنیاد رکھی۔ اس جریدے میں مذہب، فلسفہ، تاریخ اور سائنس کے موضوعات پر مضامین شائع ہوتے ہیں۔ اس نے خود خان کے ساتھ ساتھ غالب، مرزا غالب، ذوق اور آزاد سمیت دیگر مصنفین کی لکھی ہوئی شاعری بھی شائع کی۔

Its publication led to a literary movement that is known as ”Aligarh Movement”. In 1866 Khan founded a printing press to publish his journal ”Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq” and also used it to publish books on Islam, such as Imdad-ul-Fatawa (1867) which is considered one of his greatest works. The press later published many more books on Islam written by him including Fatawa-e-Rahmania (1891) which is still popular among Muslims today. The first book ever published by this press was ”The translation of The Hindu History by Hamilton” in 1870.

اس کی اشاعت سے ایک ادبی تحریک شروع ہوئی جسے ”علی گڑھ تحریک“ کہا جاتا ہے۔ 1866 میں خان نے اپنا جریدہ “تہذیب الاخلاق” شائع کرنے کے لیے ایک پرنٹنگ پریس کی بنیاد رکھی اور اسے اسلام پر کتابیں شائع کرنے کے لیے بھی استعمال کیا، جیسا کہ امداد الفتاویٰ (1867) جو ان کے عظیم ترین کاموں میں شمار ہوتا ہے۔ پریس نے بعد میں ان کی لکھی ہوئی اسلام پر بہت سی کتابیں شائع کیں جن میں فتاویٰ رحمانیہ (1891) بھی شامل ہے جو آج بھی مسلمانوں میں مقبول ہے۔ اس پریس کی طرف سے شائع ہونے والی پہلی کتاب 1870 میں “The Hindu History by Hamilton” کا ترجمہ تھا۔


This mazmoon on sir syed ahmed khan in urdu with headings in short and easy wording for all class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and others with pdf i hope you enjoy to read this if any point is missing please let me know in comment section

Note: you can aslo read maholiyati aloodgi essay in urdu

What is the role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in educating Muslims?

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was a great Muslim modernist who inspired a new movement to reform and educate Muslims. His major contribution was his vision to establish a modern Muslim nation. He also inspired Muslims to acquire modern education without forgetting their love for their own culture and religion. Sir Syed played an instrumental role in the rise of the Muslim middle class in British India.  He is considered the founding father of Pakistan whose legacy lives on in the country’s ongoing struggle to define itself as a modern nation.

Was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan a Shia?

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was not Shia but he was a sufi. He was an admirer of the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. He was opposed to atheism and superstitions. He opposed the British rule in India and was an advocate of independence.

Did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan advocate a separate homeland for Indian Muslims ?

This is just not true, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was always very clear that Muslims were a part of India and should stay in India. In the last words of his will he had specifically said this.

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