Today we write a ustad ka ehtram essay in urdu with short introduction why we need to respect of our ustad ( also called teachers)?
Teachers are a special breed of people. They are selfless, and patient, and have an innate desire to help others. They spend their lives molding young minds and shaping the future. Despite all this, they are often taken for granted and not given the respect they deserve. In some cultures, teachers are considered to be next to God. In others, they are seen as nothing more than babysitters. This is why we need to respect our teachers. They have dedicated their lives to helping us grow and learn. They are the ones who prepare us for the future. Likewise, they are the unsung heroes of society.
ustad ka ehtram essay in urdu with pdf | استاد کا احترام پر ایک مضمون

Teachers are often not given the respect they deserve. In many societies, teachers are not seen as professionals and are paid relatively low salaries. This is even though teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of young people. In Islam, teachers are given a special status. The word ‘ustad’ (teacher) is derived from the Arabic word ‘ustadh’, which means ‘one who gives. The word ‘ustadh’ is also used to refer to a highly qualified scholar or authority on a particular subject. As Muslims, we are taught to give respect to our teachers and elders.
3 Reasons to respect of our Ustad
Here are 3 reasons why we need to respect our teachers.
- Their education helps us to grow
- You are guided by them
- As elders, they are more knowledgeable than us
ان کی تعلیم ہماری ترقی میں مدد کرتی ہے۔
یہ ہماری رہنمائی کرتے ہیں۔
بزرگ ہونے کے ناطے وہ ہم سے زیادہ علم والے ہیں۔
They play a vital role in our lives. They are our friends and philosopher. Therefore, it is our duty to respect them with all our heart and help them in every way we can. I hope you enjoy reading this mazmoon ustad ka ehtram for class 5,1,6,3,12 and others with headings.
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